My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 21st: L.A. Confidential (1997)

From one Hollywood-noir Christmas detective story to another, L.A. Confidential also marks the second appearance on the list for Kevin…

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My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 20th: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)

Since we’ve officially opened the door back to R-rated alternatives, I’ll use the Mel Gibson-Shane Black Lethal Weapon connection to…

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My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 19th: Fatman (2020)

Saturday is my poker night so I’m multitasking. Unfortunately, there’s no convenient segue when it comes to this next movie…

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My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 18th: Better Watch Out (2016)

As I got caught up watching Season 2 of The Mandalorian and working on football picks, I fell asleep at…

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My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 17th: Home Alone

Sticking with comedies, Chris Columbus and John Hughes make their second appearances on this list with the 90s classic, Home…

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My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 16th: Mixed Nuts (1994)

Since comedies have been the name of the game, five years after her role in National Lampoon’s, Juliette Lewis was…

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My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 14th: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989)

I was initially planning to save this one for the end but, since we’re covering 80s comedies that helped frame…

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