How Disney Won Christmas – Soul (2020)

Disney+ definitely won the Christmas-streaming-showdown with this one. Soul is a life-affirming, jazz-fueled story about discovering the difference between meaning…

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My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 24th: Rare Exports (2010)

So, we’ve come to the end of the road. It was a fun and challenging journey, but I think doing…

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My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 23rd: Trapped in Paradise (1994)

No list of mine would be complete without a Nicolas Cage movie so, sticking with the Christmas crime spree and…

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My Alternative Xmas Movie Advent Calendar – Dec. 22nd: All Is Bright (2013)

Not gonna lie, keeping all these movies loosely strung together has been tough but also fun. Sticking with murder mysteries…

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