If you have been a reader of this site for a while, thank you for your continued support! If this is your first visit, thank you as well and I hope you decide to stick around. It has been a long and strange journey to get to this point and I am grateful that so many people have given me and this little site a chance.
You may have noticed that I haven’t been writing many reviews lately. It is not because I’ve stopped watching movies (both new and old), my total volume has actually increased as part of an ongoing experiment for the end of the year, but I am trying to steer away from the deluge of “Spoiler Free” reviews just for the sake of keeping up with having content. Trying to navigate that asteroid field is not particularly exciting right now. So, if I am going dedicate the time and energy to write about a film with the level of care and intention that I’m accustomed to then there has to be something really substantive for me to say in order to make it worth both my time and yours. I have certainly come across films that inspire that and I am sad that I haven’t been able to set aside the time for those yet, but I have also been developing other ideas.
I added The Sheist Podcast to this website a couple of years ago as an extension of the site and an incubation space for ideas I wanted to flesh out. One of those ideas was Bad Movies We Love and, after existing as an occasional aside during the programming for the main podcast, I carved out its own little niche. And now, that show will be available here on this website too as I post new episodes (mostly) every Friday!

Just like with The Sheist Podcast, the page is easily accessible right at the top menu and each new episode is displayed with the newest episode at the top. So, if you are caught up you can always find the latest or you can start from the beginning and everything in between.
If you are interested in checking out a preview, I embedded the player right here so you can check it out. Not every episode is over 2 hours and I do make a concerted effort to try and keep things to around the 90-minute mark, but Vanya and I were having too much fun!
Anyhow, thanks for your patience and I hope to get back to providing you with stuff that’s worth your time. You can find the new podcast wherever you get your podcasts and on Twitter and Instagram @BadMoviesWeLuv.
Thanks for reading! I still believe word of mouth is the best way to help, so if you enjoy what I’m doing, please tell somebody. And if you have a comment, I’d love to hear it! Liking, subscribing, and sharing go a long way too. As usual, be well, be safe, and have fun no matter how you get your movies!