For the Weary Traveler – Midsommar

Can a horror film be good if it wasn’t scary? That’s the existential question when it comes to the genre…

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Shadow in the Mirror – Us

Horror is a tough genre…that’s just the nature of the beast. It has typically been filled with relatively low-budget offerings…

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Mystery and Macabre – Suspiria (2018)

Thankfully, Amazon Studios has taken an interest in producing and distributing quality indie cinema. So far in 2018, they released…

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The Illusion of Privacy – Assassination Nation

Nothing (or nobody) interesting is universally loved: Have you ever heard that saying before? Well, not every movie is designed…

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It’s in the Blood – Hereditary

It’s been a hectic few weeks at the movies. Amid some heavy hitting summer blockbusters, a fair amount of films…

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The Burden of Me – Beast

For some odd reason, early summer seems to be the time that sneaky good foreign films hit the US market.…

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