Movie of the Week – Game Night

Comedy is a tough business, especially in Hollywood. Comedies, as a genre, are inherently supposed to be a good time,…

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Too Much of A Good Thing – Red Sparrow

Hollywood has an obvious, unspoken problem with oversaturation. When someone (or something) is successful, there’s a tendency to ride the…

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The First Annual Sheist Film Awards

By this point, I think it’s abundantly clear that I’m passionate about film. I realize movies aren’t the most important…

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Movie of the Week – The 15:17 to Paris

While Blank Panther continues to devour the majority of the box office pie as it approaches $1-billion world wide (at…

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The Hero We Need Right Now – Black Panther

With the semi-recent acquisition of Fox Studios by Disney, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is finally all coming together. The studio…

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