SchwarzTember – Junior (1994) w/ Amanda

When I first put my wishlist together last year, Junior was on it, and for a long time I thought it was a dead end. However, I made a new friend through the power of a random social media encounter and we got together to birth the latest episode of #SchwarzTember into the world for your listening pleasure.

Junior (1994)

Director: Ivan Reitman

Writers: Kevin Wade, Chris Conrad

Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny DeVito, Emma Thompson

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If you had fun with us and want to connect with Amanda, you can find her on Letterboxd and X @beatrixkiddoe. Check out her Etsy store, Fandom Designs.

Please consider donating to the support page or you can also help out by leaving a rating and telling a friend about it. I’d also love to hear from you so if you have a bad movie you love, and would like to be a guest on the show, you can contact me at or @BadMoviesWeLuv on X and Instagram.

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