Darragh had such a good time helping me induct Drop Dead Fred into the Bad Movies We Love Hall of Fame he returned to help me close out the Epic Adventures series with a movie that’s even weirder! Coincidentally, this film also deals with the childhood trauma of its main character and it did a number on us as kids too. We’re talking about Walter Murch’s 1985 Emerald City sequel: Return to Oz.
Return to Oz (1989)
Director: Walter Murch
Writers: Walter Murch, Gill Dennis, L. Frank Baum (novels)
Stars: Fairuza Balk, Nicol Williamson, Jean Marsh
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You can check out Darragh’s film profile on LetterBoxd @DarraghMcG on Instagram at @dreamworlds_film and you can catch him on episodes of Seeing Faces in Movies covering Straight Time and Ace in the Hole.
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