My friend Ben from the Cinema Shitshow joined me for a solo outing (of sorts) as we loaded up the…
My buddy Ryan from the Sheist International Film Club is back and we’re drinking from the same well as last…
This show has afforded me the opportunity to make a lot of new friends. So, I invited one of those…
Skadooosch loves Queen of the Damned so much that one 100-minute episode couldn’t contain it all! So, join us for…
Skadooosch from the Movie Ranking family stopped by to chat me up about his love for Aaliyah, Korn, goth stuff,…
Technically speaking, Basket Case is too well-liked and well-reviewed to fall into my clutches…but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity…
My friend Shauna, the Scream Queen herself, is back to pick up where we left off and take a stab…
After a couple of weeks away, the ball is rolling again and gaining momentum thanks to my friend Newman from…
I had the distinct pleasure of sitting down with the prolific and wonderfully talented author of Children of the Dark,…
Back in January, I got to sit down with my new friend Vee from the Movies You Missed podcast to…