Release Radar – March 31st, 2023

It’s the final release weekend of March and it’s full steam ahead to close out the first quarter of 2023.…

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Release Radar – March 24th, 2023

It is another full week of releases, but who are we kidding? It’s John Wick’s world and we are all…

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The New Look of Horror

Finally being at a point where I can tackle some ideas I’ve had ruminating is a very lovely headspace to…

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Release Radar – March 17th, 2023

Now that Awards season is behind me, I can regroup and refocus on the current cinematic year. Now that I…

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The 6th Annual Sheist Film Awards (2022)

It’s that time of year once again! Well, technically, it’s well beyond that time but I had to spend the…

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Round-up Roulette ’22 – Bardo (2022)

The title is indeed a mouthful, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how unapologetically…

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Release Radar – March 10th, 2023

The Academy Awards are this weekend, so it’s not really a surprise to see that the titles leading the box…

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Round-Up Roulette ’22 – All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)

The Wheel of Destiny is dwindling but there may be some titles that work their way onto it as I…

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Round-Up Roulette ’22 – Living (2022)

The Wheel of Destiny has been whittled down to only a few remaining titles, which is good considering the Oscars…

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Release Radar – March 3rd, 2022

The Academy Awards are creeping up in a hurry and I have plenty of work to do to catch up…

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