First Rule of Horror – X (2022)

Ti West’s latest film has been a bit polarizing but it’s easy to see it’s a stylish, well-executed throwback that…

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5th Annual Sheist Film Awards (2021)

Putting together my end-of-year Awards list is a lot of fun, but it’s also a ton of work. In doing…

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Fall With Me – Drive My Car (2021)

The Oscars are just over the horizon and there’s nothing like a tight deadline as motivation. Thankfully, I work for…

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In the Pursuit of Greatness – King Richard (2021)

What does it take to make a champion? What about two champions? King Richard is as good as advertised (and…

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A Life in the Valley – Licorice Pizza (2021)

This film had substantial buzz before it ever made its debut and that’s a lot to live up to, but…

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Release Radar – March 18th, 2022

As anticipated, The Batman dominated the box office once again but most of the people who wanted to see it…

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The Unseen Frontier – The Power of the Dog (2021)

As we are inching towards the Academy Awards, catching up on all the Best Picture candidates I missed is always…

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The Home & the Heart – Belfast (2021)

In rounding up all the Best Picture candidates Belfast was always high on my watchlist and sitting down with it…

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