Message in the Music – The United States vs. Billie Holiday (2020)

The straight-to-streaming model has had a very interesting rollout over the last year. It has proven to be a very…

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Resonance in Mind – Sound of Metal (2020)

A cacophony of sound washes over the audience as electric guitar feedback and muffled vocals buzz over the sound of…

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Silence Is Golden – Chaos Walking (2021)

Sometimes a movie has all the benefits of a big-budget, a loaded cast, is visually appealing, and has an interesting…

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Making the Cut – Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)

Was the Snyder Cut an improvement over Joss Whedon and Warner Bros’ 2017 Justice League? More importantly, does it even…

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Falling Action – Cherry (2021)

Joe and Anthony Russo are bonafide Hollywood royalty after their run of films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe culminated with…

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From Russia, With Love – Sputnik (2020)

There has been a recent renaissance of sorts in horror films that goes beyond familiar ghost stories, haunted houses, demonic…

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There and Back Again – Boss Level (2021)

Despite my affinity for thoughtful and original indie cinema, I also grew up largely in the Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Van Damme…

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