Making the Great War – 1917

War movies aren’t new and they’re not uncommon either. Dating back almost all the way to the beginning of motion…

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May the Force Be With Us – Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Large scale film franchises are not common. They are difficult enough to launch, let alone the dedication of resources needed…

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In Need of a Friend – A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

When you think of depictions of heroes in film, a red cardigan doesn’t immediately come to mind…but maybe it should.…

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Don’t Go Quietly – Dark Waters

Legal dramas have been and will continue to be a staple of American entertainment. They take a very complex subject…

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Beginning and Back Again – Honey Boy

Shia LeBeouf has been in the public sphere for quite some time. Like many child actors, he struggled with substance…

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Memories and Ghosts – The Irishman

If Netflix’s intention to be taken seriously as a major player in the film industry wasn’t already apparent, we may…

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