Be the Change You Wish to See – Fast Color

While Endgame runs roughshod over the box office for the foreseeable future, there are some films that will understandably fly…

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Blood, Shadows, and Ash – Avengers: Endgame (Spoiler Free)

“There was an idea…Stark knows this…called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people…

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Hand in Hand We Go – The Best of Enemies

Films made specifically to win over liberal Academy voters seem to have become something of a subgenre as of late.…

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At the Edge of Oblivion – High Life

Science-Fiction is a tricky genre…indie sci-fi in particular. Good scripts and concepts often don’t have the financial backing to see…

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Learning to Live Again – Gloria Bell

With the exception of a few incredibly successful movies, 2019 has been kind of a slow year so far. There…

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Lightning in a Bottle – Shazam

Up until recently, the box-office battle for superhero supremacy has been mostly a one-sided beat down. The DC Comics Extended…

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Failure to Launch – Dumbo (2019)

Disney’s semi-recent foray into adapting their classic animated tales into live-action doppelgangers hasn’t been the smoothest transition but that hasn’t…

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