Who’s There? – Sorry To Bother You

While the major studios battle for what’s left of the summer box office market…bold, creative and original indie cinema has…

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Redemption Song – Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot

2018 has been a good year for documentaries but a stale one for biopics so far. There are some promising…

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Find Yourself – Leave No Trace

By the time awards season rolls around, the films left standing in the best picture category are usually more obscure.…

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UFC 226 – After the Final Bell

DC Crowned King Daniel Cormier stamped his name in the history books on Saturday, July 7th by becoming just the…

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Two Heads are Better Than One – Ant-Man and the Wasp

After and an abysmal summer last year, box office numbers have rebounded to record setting highs in 2018. The industry…

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A Tangled Web – Sicario: Day of the Soldado

In a year already loaded down with a ridiculous number of sequels, it became increasingly difficult to imbue any one…

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